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Why Homeowners in Canada Are Opting for Coated/Low-E Glass

As a result of the window replacement services we provide at HTR Windows and Doors, we have seen a substantial increase in the number of homeowners opting to have coated, LoĒ glass outfitted throughout their residence.

To understand the logic behind this, let’s take a look at exactly what it is coated glass means:

What Is Coated Glass?

This can be simply defined as glass that has been coated with certain metallic compounds. This is done in order to allow only specific areas of the UV spectrum from entering into an establishment.

The protective nature provided from coated glass affords their owner’s numerous benefits, such as:

  • Minimized furniture and carpet fading as a result of UV damage.
  • Reduced utility expenses as a result of improved insulation.
  • Maintenance-free as the coating is applied on the inside and won’t peel off.

These metal oxide coatings are administered onto the glass during production by spraying or sputter deposition, resulting in a microscopic layer of coating.

A type of coated glass that has been widely adopted within establishments as part of their window replacement is LoĒ glass…

What Is Loē Glass and Why Are People Investing in It?

LoĒ glass, known as low-emissivity glass, has demonstrated mass acceptance due to its utility in extreme weather conditions, both hot and cold (especially pertinent to Canadians).

Let’s take an example, in countries such as Canada where the weather can drop to substantially low levels, LoĒ glass improves the well-being of homeowners by allowing short-wave infrared energy from the sun to pass through. These waves are responsible for keeping the building warm, even if the weather outside is anything but. LoĒ glass coatings that have been designed to minimize your susceptibility to the cold outside are known as passive LoĒ glass coatings, with coatings designed for the opposite effect in mind being known as solar control LoĒ glass coatings.

In order to make an informed purchase, it is important you understand the metrics used to measure the performance of LoĒ glass, these include:

  • Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) –an indicator of the amount of visible light passing through a window.
  • Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) –representation of the amount of solar radiation that passes through a window; a lower value meaning less solar heat transfer.
  • Light to Solar Gain (LSG) –a ratio of the SHGC and VLT ratings.
  • U-Value –indicative of how much heat loss takes place as a result of the window. The lower the value the more energy-efficient the window.

LoĒ Glass from HTR for Every Abode

The reason our clients come to us for window replacement services is because of our extensive catalog of LoĒ glass options, suitable for any home. The LoĒ glass we provide gives you a window that showcases optimal energy efficiency, and low UV transmission, all while not compromising on visibility. Think window replacement, think HTR.

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