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The Various Window Types for Your New Installation

The idea of getting a new window installation is very exciting but can also be quite daunting when it comes to deciding among the endless options of window types. Apart from determining the best materials available out there, there are other factors you have to take into consideration such as how the windows should be hinged, the number of panes to have, and how the windows should operate.

Here are some ideas of what different types of windows you can choose from and what to keep in mind.

Double-Hung Window

This type of window is easy to clean, making it a popular choice. You can simply tilt the sash to give you full access to clean the windows properly. This operation helps improve air circulation while allowing the use of full screening. Double-hung windows themselves also come in various types, with some performing better than others at keeping out cold water or air. This is an important consideration for window installation if you are living in an area that is constantly windy, rainy, or chilly.

Awning-Style Window

This window type hinges at the top of the window and opens outward. It is somewhat similar to the casement-type window in that the sash presses hard against the frame, making it more secure when it is closed. Awning-style windows also provide that classic yet stylish appeal for your windows.

Casement-Style Window

This type of window may not be the most widely used when it comes to a new window installation, but casement windows do offer a perfect unobstructed view of the outside world. They are opened outward through a crank and are hinged on just one side. If you open them completely, they provide great ventilation and easier cleanup. Compared to double-hung windows, casement-style windows are more airtight as the sash locks very tightly against the frame once closed.

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