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The Difference Between Patio Doors and Garden Doors

If you’re considering replacing your current doors leading to your backyard, you’ve probably already considered opting for either garden door or patio door installation. While it may appear to be a simple choice, there are a number of factors to consider: style, security, functionality, color, and price are all things to take into consideration after you’ve chosen between garden doors or patio door installation.

If you’re still wondering whether to choose patio doors or garden doors, HTR Windows and Doors is here to lay out the basics of both.

Patio Sliding Doors

Patio doors can be easily custom manufactured to meet non-standard door measurements. They are typically found in newer homes, offering a contemporary way of accessing your backyard. As its name suggests, patio sliding doors slide open – which minimizes the overall interior space needed. Patio doors are easier to operate, with people of all ages finding the design relatively easy to use for exterior and interior use. By design, opting for patio door installation allows for more natural light into the home, due to being composed primarily of glass.

Garden Doors

Garden doors can significantly alter the room and backyard in which they are installed, and tend to be available in a wider range of colors and styles. When garden doors are opened, the double doors that define this style open up – allowing for a more seamless way to transport things in and out of your home. If you own a pet, garden doors are more accessible for your cats or dogs – with certain styles even allowing for the installation of pet doors.

Looking for quality garden door or patio door installation?

HTR Windows and Doors have got you covered when it comes to excellence in the installation of either garden or patio doors. Having served clients in Toronto and across the GTA, you can rest assured knowing you’ve left your door installation project in good hands. For all your window and door installation needs, call HTR Windows and Doors today – we’d be happy to help!

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