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How to Get Rid of Black Mold on Windows: Forewarned Forearmed

Several ways to get rid of black mold on windows

“My home is my castle” that is what people say about the place they live and recover. Home is a space where a person can hide from the daily bustle and from disturbing news. It is a place to retire and bring order to the thoughts. However, some people forget that the home should be protected, nothing less than us. Sometimes it can become a real health hazard, especially if there is black mold on windows. Mold or mould is an aggravator that negatively affects human life causing not only a hit to the wallet but also physical and mental health problems.

Why Is Mould Such a Danger?

“My home is my castle” that is what people say about the place they live and recover. Home is a space where a person can hide from the daily bustle and from disturbing news. It is a place to retire and bring order to the thoughts. However, some people forget that the home should be protected, nothing less than us. Sometimes it can become a real health hazard, especially if there is black mold on windows. Mold or mould is an aggravator that negatively affects human life causing not only a hit to the wallet but also physical and mental health problems.

Why Is Mould Such a Danger?

At first sight, black mold on windows is harmless dark spots on the surface. It may appear in unwashed lunchboxes or in your bathroom. Nevertheless, an ancient living organism over millions of years has learnt to adapt to any environmental conditions. Here are some examples of the effects of mould on human health:

  • Allergic reactions. The main symptoms of fungal allergies are nasal congestion and lacrimation, pain in the eyes and itching, coughing attacks, wheezing in the chest and sneezing. Often, with such an allergy, the patient experiences skin rashes.
  • Worsening symptoms of existing diseases. For people suffering from asthma, mould can worsen symptoms
  • Toxins. Some types of mould produce toxins known as mycotoxins, which can be harmful to health, especially with long-term exposure.
  • Dryness and irritation. Mould can increase indoor humidity, which can lead to dry skin and irritation.
  • Anxiety and depression. In particular, minor household troubles are a recipe for burnout and stress. It is especially important to protect yourself from triggers that make you nervous at home.

In addition to health issues, black mold on windows appearance leads to significant financial costs. Mould invades porous materials such as wood or fabric and destroy their structure. This can lead to stains, changes in colour and surface texture of the furniture.
Have we been able to convince you to check your home for mould? Let’s figure out where it might appear.

Black Mold on Windows Negative Effects

Came From Somewhere Nobody Expected It to Come From… Or Expected?

Bathroom and kitchen are the first things that come to mind when we talk about house mould. Nonetheless, let us not forget about windows. Favourite places for mould propagation are places of high humidity and insufficient air circulation. Mould appears if condensation accumulates on windows, slopes, seals, window sills and joints between the window and walls. There are several reasons for condensation on windows:

  • Supercooling of the window system. The reason for this may be a lack of heating in the house. To prevent the window system from freezing, consider buying a heater.
  • Insufficient thermal insulation of the window. The reason for the insufficient thermal insulation of the window may be an incorrectly selected window profile during installation or due to installation errors. In such cases, it is necessary to dismantle the windowsill, clean it from mould, carry out preventive maintenance and install a vapor barrier.
  • Incorrect installation of the windowsill. Mould may appear if the surface has not been treated with an antiseptic before installing the windowsill. In this case, it will be necessary to dismantle the windowsill and treat it with all necessary antifungal agents. Choose reputable suppliers who will install your windows correctly.
  • The temperature difference outside the window and in the apartment. Therefore, moisture can accumulate at the bottom of the window, which can lead to mold formation. Keep the windows slightly ajar or open it for five minutes every hour. Here are more tips on windows energy efficiency.
  • Poor ventilation. Humidity increases with poor air circulation in the house, which leads to an emergence of condensation on the windows.

Now, when the reasons are stated – good news! We have an informative guide on how to reduce condensation on windows. If black mold on windows caused an irreparable damage to your house, we still can help. Hire us for the fast and affordable window replacement in Toronto and across Canada.

Get Rid of Black Mold on Windows

Getting Rid of Black Mold on Windows by the Right Methods

Before you start cleaning, provide yourself with individual protective gear. There are several effective ways to remove mould: special household chemicals and disinfection devices. Let’s stop in more detail.

There are special chemical solutions for removing mould. Some of them are sold as a spray, some need to be mixed on your own. Chlorine-based products and fungicides are usually used to remove mould. However, it is essential to work with chemicals very carefully and strictly according to the instructions in order to prevent poisoning.

Disinfection devices such as:

  • Ultraviolet lamps
  • Ozonators
  • Air ionizers are also often used

The UV lamp must be turned on every day for 30 to 40 minutes. If you use an ozonizer, then it should be directed to the place where the mould appeared and turned on for a day. The ionizer removes mould spores from the air even before they have time to settle on the surface. Nevertheless, it is less effective for mold control than chemical ones. These devices are better used for preventive measures.

Get an ionizer to combat black mold on windows

The process of removing mould from the surface of windows includes several stages. First, make sure that the windows and frames are thoroughly cleaned. Next, treat the surfaces with special chemicals. After processing, the treated surfaces must be completely dried.

Preventing the Reappearance of Black Mold on Windows

Use these measures to prevent the appearance of mould:

  • Provide the room with ventilation. If you have problems with ventilation, be sure to open the windows during cooking to prevent condensation;
  • Use the devices we mentioned above. It will enable to you to drain the air;
  • Keep an eye on the serviceability of the window system — regularly check the operability of the handles and the integrity of the window profiles and seals;
  • Clean regularly.

It is never too late to turn to professionals. Mould is a toxic substance which can be harmful to your health. If you doubt that you will be able to remove mould on your own, it is better to entrust this matter to specialized companies. HTR Windows and Doors team will be happy to help replace your damaged windows on new shiny ones. We have a wide selection of Canada-manufactured windows, from awning windows to double tilt slider and beyond.

Mould can not only ruin your furniture, but also negatively affect your health. Be careful, because a little fire is quickly trodden out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Mold can negatively impact your health by causing allergic reactions, respiratory issues (such as coughing or wheezing), nasal congestion, throat irritation, skin irritation, and in some cases, more severe reactions in individuals with mold allergies or asthma. Long-term exposure to mold can lead to chronic health problems. It’s important to address mold issues promptly to safeguard your health.
To remove mold, you can use basic tools such as a scrub brush, detergent or vinegar, a sponge, gloves, a mask, and protective eyewear. For larger mold infestations, consider using a mold removal product specifically designed for the task. Proper ventilation is important when dealing with mold to prevent inhaling spores.
1. Wear protective gear. 2. Ventilate the room. 3. Use a cleaning solution (water and detergent/vinegar/commercial cleaner). 4. Scrub the mold with a brush or sponge. 5. Rinse the window with clean water. 6. Dry the window thoroughly. 7. Take preventive measures to avoid mold regrowth.
To prevent mold at home, keep humidity levels low, fix leaks promptly, improve ventilation, use dehumidifiers in damp areas, clean and dry wet areas promptly, and regularly inspect and maintain your home for any signs of water damage.

Haven’t got your answer? Contact our support now

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