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5 Reasons Why You Need Window Capping

While living in an older house you probably understand the necessity of updating wooden window frames every year. However, there is one thing that can save you from this repetitive job. Of course, it’s window capping. 

Have you ever heard about capping a window before? If not, then this article is definitely for you! However, even if you’ve already heard about capping here you will discover something new. With this article, you will find out all about what window capping is, why it is necessary and how it can solve problems.

First, let’s try to figure out what window capping is and why it may be necessary.

What is window capping?

Window capping is basically installing a strip of metal, usually aluminum, near the top of all vertical channels (mostly around windows) which are not covered by siding or other material. Window capping is also a decorative treatment that goes along the window sill and window edges. It has many advantages over window trim, which you might be familiar with if you live in an older home or have renovated one yourself.

The purpose of window capping is to prevent water from seeping in through the vertical channels. This water would be due to rain and melting snow, which cause water to run down the outer covering of a house, and into the vertical channel where it can collect and freeze. If enough water gets inside a house, it will most likely seep into the walls and ceiling cavities where it will cause damage.

If you are a homeowner, you can use window capping to save on energy bills and decrease your carbon footprint while simultaneously increasing the air quality in the house.

As you can see, window capping can be a great long-term solution to prevent structural damage to your house.

How much does window capping cost?

When choosing between total replacement of all wooden pieces and window capping, you always should consider your budget. There are different situations when you may need to cap windows. One of them is a limited budget. If you are not willing to spend a huge amount of money, capping is what you need. It will save you from annual expenses for replacing deteriorated wood. 

However, the final price depends on various things, such as:

  • material
  • windows size
  • work scope
  • tools
  • specialty equipment
  • the ultimate purpose of capping

The price of window capping varies depending on the contractors. Some professionals use prices based on the number of openings while others calculate the cost per linear foot. So it’s better to work with professionals as you can determine a proper price together. If the quality of capping is essential to you, then it’s worth the money you spend.

Is window capping necessary?

In case you need to protect windows from the consequences of rain or moisture, then you should think about window capping as it can waterproof your home. However, capping is a great way not only to improve the total look of your house but also the durability of wood window frames. 

If you still can’t decide whether you need it or not, here’s a list of advantages:

  • prevention of water penetration, water damage, or structural damage
  • increase of insulation value
  • increase of energy efficiency of windows
  • aesthetic value enhancement 

And now let’s try to figure out common reasons why it is necessary to cap your windows. So you will definitely be able to make the right decision.

House protection from serious structural damage

That’s the most common reason why people resort to capping windows. The main idea here is that capping covers a wood frame of the window. Based on this, the window is protected from exposure to the elements and water damage. 

Mostly, it’s due to deterioration. Wood frames can easily allow water into the siding and it causes a lot of problems such as water stains and even mold formation. As the mold usually grows it can damage the surface and cause damage to any building. 

With the help of windows capping, you can direct water away and keep your house structurally undamaged for many years. However, you need to understand that window capping can be useful only if it’s done properly.

Long-term money saving

When you don’t have window capping, you must constantly clean the wood frame of the window. It usually takes a lot of time, not to mention money. It also requires maintenance, which includes a high-quality primer and paint. Moreover, you have to check it for any structural damages and wood rot. if you think that’s too much, then capping comes in handy.

You spend money once and don’t need to waste your time on solving these problems. Although you still have to clean capped windows, it will take less time and you won’t waste your money on annual expenses for wood window replacement. So capping your windows is a good way to maintain your windows’ longevity while making sure they also look great while doing so.

Thermal insulation

Window capping can be made of different materials. There is one thing you should consider before choosing a material that vinyl can prevent escaping energy from your home. However, if you want to have heat insulation, one layer of vinyl is not enough. It’s much better to use two layers as an extra one adds insulation where your window needs it most.

The air has a tendency to escape around the edges of the window, and window capping can seal those edges shut.

No need to re-paint wood window frames

One more reason for choosing windows capping is that you don’t need to re-paint wood window frames again and again. This activity is very tiring and after a while, it can get boring. So you forget about repainting and your house doesn’t look the same as before.

If you don’t find this monotonous work exciting and want to reduce it, then window capping is a perfect solution.

The total look of the exterior

One of the most popular reasons is the desire to make the house look good as it is quite important to every exterior. Window capping is the finishing touch on windows and it gives an impressive look. Moreover, it comes in versatile designs and you can paint your capping, so it will match all the house and its color palette.

Together with the beautiful view of the house, you get reliable protection.

There are a lot of various reasons why people choose window capping but these are the most popular. Although still the main reason is the protection of your house and windows, the rest of the reasons can be considered as an addition that you get. The only thing you need to remember is that the help of a professional in this field is the best solution. 

In the end, it’s worth spending once on capping the windows, rather than changing wood frames every year. 

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