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4 Undeniable Benefits of Having Vinyl Window Replacement

Vinyl window replacement

Many properties whether residential or commercial have used traditional materials, such as wood or galvanized steel. Both are elegant and exude a traditional, vintage look. However, vinyl has become a highly useful and affordable staple for most modern properties today.

Adding to its widely-accepted contemporary aesthetic, here are four additional benefits of having vinyl window replacement services.

Durability of Vinyl Windows

Wood is hygroscopic it absorbs moisture. In turn, moisture can lead to window mold, rot or corrosion. Without proper sealing and maintenance you can add swelling and warping to the mix. Vinyl windows are made out a material with completely different properties.

Vinyl windows are naturally waterproof they repel moisture and prevent the growth of material-endangering parasites or spores.

Wood windows and shutters without proper coatings can be problematic as microorganisms can grow into spores or parasites that eat through the material. Termites and other pests don’t have much interest in vinyl though, so you won’t find them eating away at your window frames.

Fully Recyclable

canadian vinyl windows

Vinyl window replacement uses a special type of plastic, which is virtually indestructible. This characteristic makes it easy to recycle completely. Their full recyclability makes them a great help to the environment. Aluminum and steel windows are recyclable, but the frame integrity can only yield so much after recycling. Wood requires new lumber, contributing massively to logging.

The recyclability is not the only environmentally-friendly factor to vinyl windows. Their frames are non-conductive, so they actually don’t transfer heat easily. Reducing energy consumption, they lower your house’s overall carbon footprint.

Improved Property Insulation

Wood and steel window frame materials can only achieve so much insulation. Wood has some permeations that let air inside the property, while metal window frames are conductive materials.

woman in front of vinyl window

Vinyl slows down and repels air and sound molecules, making them one of the best insulating window materials.

Affordable and Cost-Effective

Lastly, vinyl windows’ materials make them some of the best and most cost-effective materials for windows. It’s because vinyl windows usually:

  • Simply cost much less than composite, fiberglass, or wood;
  • Don’t weight too much, so it’s easier to install them;
  • Are energy-efficient, lowering your energy bills both in summer and winter.

They also have quite a long lifespan, lasting for 30-40 years. With no need for frequent window replacement, you’re saving a lot on getting new windows every fifteen years.

Find The Best Vinyl Windows Easily

If you have yet to find a dependable manufacturer and installation team of vinyl windows, you can count on HTR Windows and Doors to help you. Contact us today to learn more about all our services.

Expert opinion

Cameron Williamson

Having spent many summers helping his father with their family business, now Cameron Williamson is an author with extensive experience in all things doors and windows. Though Cameron eventually found his calling as an author, the skills and knowledge he's gained in those years help him make other people's lives better with his technical insights.

The choice of window material ultimately comes down to your needs, aesthetic preferences, and budget. Vinyl windows sure are a nice and durable choice, but if you’re struggling with choosing, your installation company can offer you some valuable insights.

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