Preparing for Window Replacement

So by now, you’ve made the decision to choose window replacement for your home’s windows. From boosting curb appeal to promoting energy efficiency, replacing your windows can offer a myriad of benefits realized in both the short and long term. Needless to say, you’re excited to have the installers come in and work their magic. But how can you best prepare for their arrival?

Measuring for window replacement is a necessary step to ensuring optimal results. The last thing you want is for an ill-prepared set-up, only to find out that the windows you want aren’t the right size.

In today’s blog, we delve into how to prepare for window replacement in your home.

Why should I measure my windows?

Ultimately, your window service provider will be able to effectively measure your windows out to ensure seamless replacement. But knowing the size of your windows offers a great starting communication point between you and your window service provider. It can also help give a greater understanding when it comes to window pricing, where larger-sized windows are typically more expensive than smaller windows within the same product line.

How do I measure my windows?

When measuring for window replacement, you must figure out the height, width, and depth. It is advised you measure the height, width, and depth three times in different places on the window to ensure you get the most accurate measurement.

Getting an accurate measurement is of the utmost importance when it comes to window replacement. If the measurement is off by even a fraction of an inch, it can disrupt the installation process and ultimately renders your new windows completely useless simply because they won’t fit. Avoid having to buy new window products from scratch by getting them right the first time and taking steps to get the most accurate measurement possible. If you’re unsure, then ask for help. Your window service provider should be able to effectively assist your window measurement needs.


When measuring the width of your windows, we advise measuring from the window sill to the lining (also referred to as the frame) of the window. Start by measuring the farthest left side, then measure the middle, and then the farthest right side. Once you have a measurement for each, pick the smallest of the measurements as the rough opening height.


Begin by measuring the widest point you can access from the interior of the window frame. Like when you were measuring for width, you should take three measurements. One measurement from the bottom of the window, one from the center, and one at the top. Pick the smallest measurement of the three. This will be your rough opening width.


When measuring depth, start by running your tape measure from the outermost edge of the frame against the interior of the window. As you had when measuring for height and width, it is advised that you take a minimum of three different measurements from different locations and choose the smallest of the measurements to represent window depth.

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