3 Vital Inspections to Perform After a Window Installation

Ideally, a good window installation service should do more than just help you install new windows in your home. The service performed by the contractors should add functional value to your home, and they can do this by executing the installation properly, which will allow your new windows to realize their potential in terms of energy-saving and temperature control.

Indeed, windows play a large role in driving down utility costs and making your property’s curb appeal exceptional?

In today’s blog, we want to give homeowners some tips on what they should be checking after a window installation service so that they have peace of mind.

1. All mechanisms and hardware works well

A quality window installation service will ensure that the opening and closing of the windows are smooth. You can test this by opening and closing your windows slowly about three to four times. If it feels slightly rough at any point, it is worth asking your contractors if it can be fixed.

2. There are no drafts nearby

If you feel outside temperatures emanating in when you are next to your newly-installed window, there is a small chance that there are gaps between the window frame and its sill. It is important to catch this issue early as gaps will cause utility prices to shoot up.

3. There is no condensation between glazed windowpanes

Condensation occurs when hot and cold temperatures clash together resulting in water forming. If this happens between your windowpanes, then it’s a clear sign that the window installation service was poor. Contact your contractor and ask about the warranty.

With years of dedicated experience on our backs, we at HTR Windows ensure we only provide the best window installation services so that our customers will not have to worry about these issues. Our contractors are always open to chat about any of your concerns – we believe that good service is not just quality installation, but also great communication.

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